- Use a client task to retreive SysInspector log files from your client computers
- Open ESET Remote Administrator Web Console (ERA Web Console) in your web browser and log in.
- Click Admin
Client Tasks
SysInspector Log Request and then click New.
Figure 1-1
Click the image to view larger in new window
- Type a name for your new task into the Name field.
Figure 1-2
Click the image to view larger in new window
- Expand Target and click Add Targets
Figure 1-3
Click the image to view larger in new window
- Click Add Target(s). In the target selection window, you can select a group to display client computers or devices in that group. Select the check box next to a group to display subgroups and clients in that group in the selected targets section. After adding groups and clients to the selected targets section, select the check box next to them to identify them as targets.
Figure 1-4
Click the image to view larger in new window
- Optionally, you can arrange to save a copy of the log you are requesting on the client as well as your ESET Remote Administrator Server (ERA Server). To do so, expand Settings and select the check box next to Store Log On Client(see figure 1-5).
- Click Finish when you are finished making changes to your task.
Figure 1-5
Click the image to view larger in new window
- Your new task will be displayed in the Client Tasks window. To check the status of the task, click it and select Details.
Figure 1-6
- Click the Executions tab. The Status column will display information about the completion of your task.
Figure 1-7
Click the image to view larger in new window
- Click Reports and expand Automation.
- Click SysInspector snapshots history in last 30 days
Generate Now.
Figure 1-8
Click the image to view larger in new window
- The report will be displayed. Click the task name and select Download SysInspector Log to download the SysInspector log files from all target computers.
Figure 1-9
Click the image to view larger in new window