One of the most important reports you may need to create are KPI Reports. Here is a guide to show you how to create a KPI report for your Microsoft Licensing Position.
- Navigate to Microsoft Licensing > Software to find a list of all your Microsoft software.
- Select the Financial Tab to create a report on your financial exposure of all your Microsoft software.
- Before you create the report ensure there is a unit cost by all the software you wish to report on.
- Click on the Trend data icon on the top right of the screen, here you are able to customise your KPI report. You can do this by changing the Aggregate (number of records) and the Field. In this example, to find the Microsoft Licensing Exposure the Aggregate is changed to Sum and Field changed to Exposure.
- You can also set a Baseline and change the Threshold so you have visibility of when your financial exposure goes over the percentage set.
- Click OK and Save your Report ready to be uploaded to your Chart Dashboard.
- Click on your Chart Dashboard on the top right on your Data Dashboard.
- Click on Configure Dashboard icon on the top right of you Chart Dashboard.
- Click Add Chart icon and search for your chart.
- When you click on your chart ensure to select KPI mode.